Reviews of popular science

Books are a great way to give us knowledge: from a nontechnical introduction to some basic topic to a specialized monograph that summarizes the state of the art in a research field. It is sometimes believed that a popular book is not intended to be rigorous, but this is a mistake. Writing in popular science must be able to interest the layperson and at the same time keep the attention and never irritate the expert. Such were the talents of Humphrey Davy and Michael Faraday, the fathers of popular science lectures. If a topic is too difficult for a nonexpert audience, it is better to avoid it rather than giving the reader incorrect information.

I will review popular science books in depth, with an emphasis on physical science books. In depth means that the review will be comparable in size to the original book, because the statements and equations in the reviewed book will be carefully evaluated and commented on. Reviews will be available in PRINT, EPUB (Kindle), and PDF formats.